Wednesday, April 8, 2009

finally-the internet

I have a few posts on the backburner that I will publish as soon as possible, and this right here is to pretty much to say okay, I've written some stuff, but there's almost no internet here. Mine is the only computer in the house. And that's probably because we're living in the nineties over here. The school, the people, the technology is all in the nineties. Actually, the iPhone 3G just came out in France today, and I know that's not really ninties at all but it gives you some idea of their behind-the-timesness.

Mr. Zailian no doubt chose Orthez for the exchange because the shift in culture benefits both sides; the country bumpkins get to come see the busy city and all the rich kids, and all the rich kids are forced to park themselves in population 200 and then some cows. So of course the rich kids are complaining complaining complaining "Can't we just go back to PARIS" "All I've eaten here is bread" etc etc. I guess they're just going through what I went through last summer, so I understand, but at least I sucked it up enough to eat the goddamn food. Being pinner about food in France means you actually suck at life really hard. How are you ever going to survive food in Prague, in Cadiz I'm sure, in Africa, SUCK IT UP, sorry the nearest Cafe del Sol is 6,000 miles away.

I came here without expectations, without having really thought about it at all, and after my culture shock last summer, so I am fine. Granted, I am pretty good at speaking and understanding French, which makes it wayyyy easier. Like I actually speak French. I'm not perfect, but I can say with confidence that I can speak French and understand people with ease. Only the accents here are whack. Hopefully I won't come back with a honky country accent.

Oh, funny things, right.

1. In English class, the French students ask the Americans questions in English. The one they ask the most is "Is euh, your school like in the American series?" meaning, are American TV shows accurate? Well, which ones do you have in mind? clarifies the teacher. And every time, we're asked about High School Musical. I am pretty funny, I must admit, so Baptiste told me a bunch of kids came up to him and said they liked me. So I win at France. This time around.

2. Marley Pettigrew was in English with me and someone asked her if she was "chief of pom-poms." Better yet, I hear tell they ask that of all the pretty blondes on this trip. God French people are so retarded.

We just got back from the Tour Moncade, this crazy old tower castle thing that I don't want to explain. Someone burned a Bible there, because the ashes are all spread out and all the burnt pages are everywhere. Charles peered at one of these burnt pages for a good twenty seconds, as I frantically attemted to read his mind, and then bounced so hard back to the school, ahead of everyone else.

In Paris, there was a brochure on a table in the lobby of the hotel. It had a picture of a lady and her boobies on it. I picked it up and put it smack in Charles's face. He looked away, blinking, and thanked me. You're welcome Mormon Charles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

claireMsiegel said...

I had a dream you were walking across the parking lot and gave me the hugest smile eva and then you spoke chinese with my mandarin teacher.

mais tu reviens quand?

ps. i enjoy the charles updates...keep em coming (along with everything else, stp)